Upcoming Session: SESSION 3/2025: Yoni Massage with Hannah Nichols
In this Yoni Massage workshop, we will meet our female reproductive worlds in curiosity & receptivity!
We will anchor the mind, learning the anatomy of the yoniverse (vulva, vagina, clitoris, womb, & ovaries) & understanding how our emotions connection to these various areas through the nervous system.
We will anchor the body in hands on practice. Hannah will guide the group, via audio, through a slow, intentional practice of self touch to meet the issues of the yoniverse. This practice is done completely off camera, & each suggestion is an invitation which participants can accept or reframe as their body guides them. The practice of Yoni Massage in this context means that there is no intention of orgasm, but rather creating a symbiotic relationship of mutual trust & receptivity through non-extractive relating.
Please note: This session is for women only!
About Hannah
Hannah Grace is a performing artist, embodiment coach, inner voice facilitator, menstrual mentor, energy healer, & birth supporter. Her own journey of healing began in infancy, & has taken her on a twisting & turning path, encompassing a wide range of modalities, but always coming back to the intention of uniting the body, mind, & spirit.
Passionate about women’s health specifically, Hannah believes a woman cannot truly know herself, her power, or her purpose until she lives in close communion with her yoniverse. This practice has been the most cataclysmic healing tool Hannah has experienced, & she is so excited to share it with the True Midwifery community!
Social Media Links
Instagram: gracious.han the.dancing.doula coming.home.embodiment
TikTok: coming.home.embodiment
Booking link for deeper working together: hannahgrace.as.me
Please ensure for this session that you are in a comfortable, quiet place where you will not be disturbed, & where you feel safe to fully let go into experiencing your body. Ensure this place has as strong of connection as possible with your wifi to avoid losing connection mid-practice.
Prepare a comfortable place to sit/lie (a bed is great) where you have blankets & pillows to keep yourself warm & comfortable throughout the session. Wearing slippers or fuzzy socks is suggested to keep the feet warm.
Bring with you some kind of natural oil for the massage practice. Organic coconut or olive oil are great options. Using organic oil is preferred, to avoid chemical absorption into the vagina.
If you want, feel free to bring a small mirror to prop up facing your yoni so that you can follow along our anatomical mapping!
We recommend leaving an hour or so of free time after the workshop for integration & processing.