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Silent Birthkeeper: One Year Immersion (Nov 2024 - Nov 2025)
Module One: Welcome and Orientation
Welcome and Thank you
Grandmother Blessing (7:18)
The Silent Birthkeeper (2:13)
Opening Meditation (14:47)
Introduction to the course (17:16)
Programme and overview
Welcome to our Circle!
Final Projects
Opening exercises (186:45)
Recommended Reading
My Story of True Midwifery
My grandmothers
My Mother
Droeland (6:45)
The Little Green Statue
Ruth's pathway of midwifery (94:22)
Tell Your Story so far...
Orientation Zoom Call
RECORDING: Orientation Zoom call (172:46)
Module 2: What is Midwifery?
What is a Midwife?
The International Confederation of Midwives
The Midwifery Model of Care
The Philosophy of Midwifery
Some Midwifery HerStory
Exploring Midwifery (107:04)
Pathways to Midwifery
Linde's Pathway (47:21)
Traditional Midwifery (12:11)
Traditional Midwife in Malawi
Zimbabwean Traditional Midwifery
Pathways to Traditional Midwifery in a Modern World (186:59)
Conversation with Lana (57:47)
Do We Need Midwives?
The Birthkeeping Path Ahead: What Does it Look Like?
The Reluctant Midwife (89:59)
Global Midwifery
A Pathway is Opening
Questions to Explore
Our Second Call: Walking this Path of Midwifery
RECORDING: Session 2 Zoom call (179:20)
Module 3: Connection and Self Care
Pause and Reflect (5:36)
Breathing In (3:06)
Nature First
Words of Wisdom from Maria Sabina
Nature Exercises (6:56)
Self Care (35:05)
The Healing Ripple Effect of a Beautiful Birth
Acts of Self Love (20:09)
Self Care Dream Dance
Taking Care of Ourselves While we Serve
Self Care Social Media Post
The Compassionate Birth Project (14:47)
Who Cares for the Midwives?
Burnout is Real
Managing Stress
Recommended Reading and Listening (14:52)
Our Third Call: Connection and Self Care
RECORDING: Session 3 Zoom call (337:58)
Module 4: Creating our Listening and Learning Container
Centering and Grounding (9:29)
Introducing the Thinking Environment
The Thinking Environment (15:17)
Thinking Inhibitors
Thinking Enhancers
The Power of Connection (19:47)
Deep Listening
Deep Listening and Loving Speech
Thinking Pairs (10:42)
Dialogue (31:45)
On Listening
Just Listen...
Non-Violent Communication (5:41)
9 Alignments and 4 Agreements
Recommended Reading
Our Fourth Call: Creating our Learning Container
RECORDING: Session 4 Zoom call (36:34)
Module 5: Meeting the Basic Needs of Pregnancy, Labour and Birth
Introduction to this section
Womb Meditation (12:44)
Michel Odent
Antenatal Scare
Birth Preparation
Looking at the Basic Needs (14:42)
Preliminary Phase of Labor
What is a Safe Birth?
What Peace There is in Silence
Circle of Elephants Birth
Labour is like sleep
Oxytocin (50:43)
Synthetic Oxytocin
Basic Needs Continued (39:07)
Hello Darkness my old Friend
The Good Old Thinking Brain
The Fetus Ejection Reflex (28:40)
First Time I Witnessed a FER
What is it About Birth?
After the Birth (24:59)
The Ideal Birth Attendant
The Montessori Midwife: Understanding the Basic Needs of the Mother and the Unborn and Newborn Child (58:35)
Words of Wisdom
Knitting Midwives
In this Moment...
Challenging Tradition
The Father at the Birth
The Performance: Sex Like Birth
Failure to Progress
The Cat Who Adopts Ducklings
Peace on Earth (3:02)
Recommended Reading/Listening
Our Fifth Call: Meeting the Basic Need of Pregnancy, Labour and Birth
RECORDING: Session 5 Zoom call
Module 6: The Power of the Birth Story
Introduction to this section
The Power of Stories
Sharing Stories
Healing Through our Stories (48:19)
True Midwifery Birth Stories (52:11)
Bungee Jumping Baby
The Babycatcher
Wild Naked Ladies
Birth Talk (56:19)
My Two Very Different Births (60:16)
One long one, one short one (41:28)
Reclaiming my Birth (66:13)
Two Sisters Sharing (47:21)
That Time I Rocked my HBA2C
An Incredible Birth Journey (55:11)
Birthing at The Farm (35:25)
Home Water Birth of Twins
Birth Story Medicine - Healing the Story (184:24)
Exploring your own Stories
Recommended Reading/Listening
Our Sixth Call: Birth Stories
RECORDING: Session 6 Zoom call
Module 7: Loving Care in Pregnancy
Introduction to this section
When a Woman is Pregnant
Hand washing as a meditation (6:26)
Receiving Loving Care
My Practice (23:01)
My Equipment (47:47)
Antenatal Care (21:37)
Calculating Due Dates
The Tree and the Fruit
Testing Urine
Taking Blood Pressure
Touching the Pregnant Belly
Herbs and Homeopathy
Pregnancy Issues (28:20)
High Risk Factors
Potential Problems (37:45)
Cholestasis and Early Labour (16:42)
Pre-Eclampsia (18:23)
Asking Some Questions...
Recommended reading/listening
Our Seventh Call: Loving Care During Pregnancy
RECORDING: Session 7 Zoom call
Module 8: Attending Births
Introduction to this section
Jai Ma (5:59)
Signs of Labour
Home Birth Supplies (47:47)
Arriving into the Birth Space
Practicalities at a Birth (46:31)
Listening to Baby in Labour
Understanding Fatal Heart Tones (166:46)
Touch in Labour
Touching the Yoni
Putting on gloves
Dilation and Labour 'Progress'
Yoni Song
Herbs and Homeopathy in Labour
Pushing for First Time Mums
Birth Without Directed Pushing
Birthing in Water
Birth of the Baby
Cord Around the Neck
Emergency Care Plan
Change of Birth Plan (40:53)
More Labour Complications (45:12)
Meconium in the Waters
Paperwork and documentation
Recommended reading/listening
Our Eighth Call: Attending Births
RECORDING: Session 8 Zoom call
Module 9: After the Birth (MotherBaby)
Introduction to this section
After the Birth... (24:59)
The Basic Needs After the Birth
Postpartum (26:11)
Birthing the Placenta and Bleeding After Birth
Retained Placenta (50:50)
Examination of the Placenta (14:51)
Little Brother - The Placenta Song (6:45)
Giving Rectal Fluids, an alternative to IV Fluids
Skin to Skin
Do Not Rush to Cut the Cord!
Newborn Exam (34:44)
Vitamin K
The Baby's Incredible Immune System
Basic Needs of the Newborn
Recommended reading/listening
Our Ninth Call: After the Birth: MotherBaby
RECORDING: Session 9 Zoom call
Module 10: Disability and Death
Introduction to this section
Birth and Death
Born Still
Nature of Grief
Thich Nhat Hanh on Grief and Loss
Ram Das Perspectives on Death
Liam Andrew
How Grief can be Assisted - Mama Bamba
Holding Grief and Loss as a Birthkeeper (188:53)
Death and Disability
My Story of Life, Love and Loss - Nadia's Story (173:29)
Processing a Year Later...
Ho'oponopono (6:56)
Spirit Babies
3rd January - Silent Earthquake
Recommended reading/listening
Our Tenth Call: Disability and Death
RECORDING: Session 10 Zoom call
Module 11: Sexual Abuse Triggers in Pregnancy, Labour and Birth
Supporting Sexual Abuse Survivors in Childbirth
Creating a Safe Space
Sexual Abuse Triggers - video and audio (65:29)
Sexual Abuse Triggers During Labour and Birth
Power Differences Between Caregiver and Woman
Unhelpful Reactions by Caregivers
Clinical Challenges in Labour and Possible Solutions
Some Audios
This is a Baby of Rape
Ho'ponopono Prayer (6:56)
Recommended Reading
Our Eleventh Call: Sexual Abuse Triggers in Pregnancy, Labour and Birth
RECORDING: Session 11 Zoom call
Module 12: Closing Circle and Projects
Final Thanks (16:48)
Closing Song (3:02)
Our Final Call
RECORDING: Session 12 Zoom call
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Our Ninth Call: After the Birth: MotherBaby
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