A non judgemental and home birth friendly platform for birth attendants from around the world to share, discuss and learn potential issues that may arise with mother or baby at a birth. WHAT WE WILL COVER IN THE COURSE: - Helping Babies Breathe and Helping Mothers Survive philosophy - Creating and maintaining the basic needs of the mother and baby in an emergency situation - How to create an emergency care plan (without it causing too much adrenaline!) and support transfer to the hospital - Helping babies who are struggling to breathe at birth - Dealing with more than normal blood loss after birth - Preventing and dealing with shoulder dystocia - Cord Issues - Surprise breech - Herbs and homeopathy to support the above - Storytelling, sharing, and learning from one another’s experiences - Our own recovery (mental, emotional, and physical) - Creating a support network - Death, loss and Disability
A pilgrimage through the Childbearing Year
A non judgemental and home birth friendly platform for birth attendants from around the world to learn about potential issues that may arise with mother or baby at a birth and the tools and skills that may support in these situations. WHAT WE WILL COVER IN THE COURSE: - Helping Babies Breathe and Helping Mothers Survive philosophy - Creating and maintaining the basic needs of the mother and baby in an emergency situation - How to create an emergency care plan (without it causing too much adrenaline!) and support transfer to the hospital - Helping babies who are struggling to breathe at birth - Dealing with more than normal blood loss after birth - Preventing and dealing with shoulder dystocia - Cord Issues - Surprise breech - Herbs and homeopathy to support the above - Storytelling, sharing, and learning from one another’s experiences - Our own recovery (mental, emotional, and physical) - Creating a support network - Death, loss and Disability
PLANT POWER: Gather, Grow, and Craft your own medicines A six month exploration into creating tinctures, tonics, elixirs and salves imbued with the power of plant medicine. We meet once a month in zoom, and focus on six main herbal healers, one a month, with background information , videos, audios, plant spirit meditations and recipes.
A one-year online immersion and journey exploring a pathway of True Midwifery. I have put this course together to share my own journey, learning, stories, and findings on this path of studying midwifery and being a birth attendant and mother. I humbly invite you to come, listen, learn, and share together. Together we weave our threads together, keeping the tapestry of birth and birthkeeping alive. This is a course for aspiring midwives, interested doulas, women, and mothers who want to explore and investigate for themselves whether this path is something they would like to consider further. If you are walking this path already, this is an opportunity to deepen your learning and be part of a beautiful and supportive community.
A safe space for birthkeepers from around the world, to meet, discuss, share and learn in a non judgemental and oxytocin rich environment.
An exploration through the childbearing year and beyond!