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Birth First Aid for Mother and Baby (Sep 2025)
MODULE 1 / Section 1: Introduction and Orientation to Birth First Aid
Welcome and Thank you! (5:34)
Welcome Message from Michel Odent (6:12)
Orientation to the Teachable Platform, our Workshops and Communication
Introducing OUR Circle
Introducing Your Facilitators
Grandmother Blessing (7:18)
My Personal Experience of Birth First Aid (17:05)
Introductions and Intentions (8:08)
Creating our Learning Container
The Thinking Environment (15:17)
Thinking Pairs (10:42)
Module 1 / Section 2: Resources, Questions to Ponder and our Zoom calls
Questions to Ponder and Explore
Resources for this Module
Orientation Zoom Call
MODULE 2 / Section 1: Foundations of Birth First Aid
BEFORE WE BEGIN! Let us look at the Foundations of Birth First Aid
The Basic Needs of the Labouring Woman as the Primary Preventative Measure in Birth First Aid
Prevention and Preparedness
A note on HBB and HMS (Bleeding After Birth)
Creating a Birth First Aid Plan (9:32)
Birth First Aid plan for Primary Caregivers
Birth First Aid Plan for Birth Assistants
Birth First Aid plan for Doulas
Birth First Aid plan for Birthing Families
Creating an Oxytocin Rich Environment (19:31)
Hand Washing (6:26)
Tools for Birth First Aid (36:30)
EXERCISE: Being Prepared (27:27)
Module 2 / Section 2: Undisturbed Birth Physiology
How Does an Undisturbed Birth Unfold?
The Ideal Birth Attendant
Fetus Ejection Reflex (28:40)
After the Birth (25:00)
Birthing the Placenta
Module 2 / Section 3: Resources, Questions to Ponder and Zoom calls
The Wedding Night - Michel Odent
The Performance: Sex Like Birth (7:29)
Emergently - Sister Morningstar
Birth First Aide - Jane Hardewicke Collings
Preparation of the Birth Room - Practical Skills Guide
Birth Supplies - Hesperian Foundation
The Midwife's Kit list - Heart and Hands
The Well Organised Birthkit - Regina Gillette
Questions to Ponder and Explore
Resources for this Module
Session 2 Zoom Call
RECORDING: Session 2 Zoom Call (158:17)
MODULE 3: Helping Babies who are Struggling to Breathe
Introduction to this Module
Breathing In, Breathing Out (4:27)
My Personal Experience of Helping Babies Breathe (57:37)
First Steps of Helping Babies Breathe (7:05)
Observing the Baby (3:28)
A Note on Meconium
Maintaining the MotherBaby Dyad
Supporting a Baby who is Struggling to Breathe (29:04)
SKILLS: Clearing the Airways, Checking the Baby's Heart Rate (FHR) and Cutting the Cord (11:56)
Homeopathic Remedies for Helping Babies to Breathe
EXTRA LESSON: Chest Compressions (3:41)
Birth Song/Poem
Module 3: Resources, Questions to Ponder and Zoom calls
Helping Babies Breathe support material
The Baby - The Hesperian Foundation
Adept Baby Crafted for Survival - Dr John Stevenson
From Womb to Room Air - Sister Morningstar
Lung Transition for Baby
Anne's Birth - Spiritual Midwifery
Asphyxia in the Newborn - Spiritual Midwifery
Glossary - Helping Babies Breathe
Videos Resources: Helping Babies Breathe
Questions to Ponder and Explore
Resources for this Module
Session 3 Zoom Call
RECORDING: Session 3 Zoom Call (3:32)
MODULE 4: Supporting Mothers with Blood Loss
Womb meditation (12:44)
Introduction to this Module (19:38)
An Introduction to the HMS (BAB) algorithms
Main Causes of Bleeding After Birth
Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour
Physiological Birth of the Placenta (And What Happens When we Interrupt it) (26:22)
Examining the Placenta (4:28)
Retained Placenta and Manual Removal of the Placenta (demo) (14:37)
Underlying Causes of Bleeding (20:22)
Blood Loss - how much is too much? (11:55)
Homeopathy and Herbs for Blood Loss
Bleeding During Labour (9:53)
Module 4: Resources, Questions to Ponder and Zoom calls
Don't Manage the Third Stage of Labour! - Michel Odent
Bleeding After Birth - Spiritual Midwifery
Birth of the Placenta and Bleeding - The Hesperian Foundation
Taking Care of the Third Stage of Labour - Valerie El Halta
The Third Stage, placenta and PPH - H&H
Retained Placenta and Bleeding - Susan Weed
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Hemorrhage - Valerie Appleton
How to Give Rectal Fluids and Treat a Woman for Shock - Hesperian Foundation
HMS (BAB) Glossary
Video Resources: Bleeding After Birth (33:15)
Questions to Ponder and Explore
Resources for this Module
Session 4 Zoom call
RECORDING: Session 4 Zoom Call (182:15)
MODULE 5: Shoulder Dystocia, Cord issues and Surprise Breech
The Silent Birthkeeper's Prayer
Introduction to Module 5
Shoulder Dystocia
Introduction to Shoulder Dystocia (16:52)
Words of Wisdom from Michel Odent
Shoulder Dystocia Stories (32:03)
Introduction to Gaskin Manoevre and Flip FLOP
Gaskin Manoevre and Flip FLOP demonstrations (15:02)
McRoberts Manoeuvre (4:02)
Shoulder Dystocia - Heart and Hands
Resources for Shoulder Dystocia
Cord Issues
Introduction to Cord Issues
Nuchal cord/Cord Around the Neck (5:18)
True Knot vs False Knot
What if the cord snaps?
Cord Prolapse (7:40)
A Cord Prolapse Story - Lana
Resources: Cord Issues
Surprise Breech
Droƫland Surprise Breech (7:19)
Introduction to Surprise Breech (24:37)
Resources: Surprise Breech
Making the Call to Transfer
Making the call to Transfer to Hospital
First Aid in Obstetrics - Michel Odent
Amulance vs Private Transport
Getting to a Medical Centre - The Hesperian Foundation
Hospital Transfer Guide
Module 5: Resources, Questions to Ponder and Zoom calls
Questions to Ponder
Session 5 Zoom Call
RECORDING: Session 5 Zoom Call (15:29)
Module 6: Holding Space for Others and Ourselves
Hoponopono (6:56)
Introduction to Module 6
Asking for Help...
Holding Death as Birthkeepers
Holding Grief and Loss as Birthkeepers (188:54)
Death and Disability
Born Still - A Mother's Experience (22:18)
How Grief can be Assisted - Mama Bamba
How do we Honour Ourselves in this Work?
Nature as medicine
In Closing...
Resources for this module
Closing and Takeaways
Feeback form
Session 6 Zoom Call (247:40)
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Born Still - A Mother's Experience
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