Birth First Aid for Mother and Baby ( MARCH 2025)
A non judgemental and home birth friendly platform for birth attendants from around the world to share, discuss and learn potential issues that may arise with mother or baby at a birth.
- Helping Babies Breathe and Helping Mothers Survive philosophy
- Creating and maintaining the basic needs of the mother and baby in an emergency situation
- How to create an emergency care plan (without it causing too much adrenaline!) and support transfer to the hospital
- Helping babies who are struggling to breathe at birth
- Dealing with more than normal blood loss after birth
- Preventing and dealing with shoulder dystocia
- Cord Issues
- Surprise breech
- Herbs and homeopathy to support the above
- Storytelling, sharing, and learning from one another’s experiences
- Our own recovery (mental, emotional, and physical)
- Creating a support network
- Death, loss and Disability